Restore your healthy feet with our fungus treatment

Are you struggling with fungal infections that affect the health and appearance of your skin? Our Fungus Treatment offers an effective solution to combat fungal infections and restore your skin’s health. Discover the definition of our fungus treatment service and why it’s the preferred choice for many:

  • Targeted Fungal Eradication: Our skilled professionals employ specialized techniques to effectively eradicate fungal infections, targeting the root cause for long-lasting results and improved skin health.
  • Comprehensive Approach: We take a comprehensive approach to fungus treatment, addressing various types of fungal infections that can affect different areas of the body, including the nails, feet, and skin.
  • Customized Treatment Plans: Every individual’s fungal infection is unique, requiring personalized attention. We offer customized treatment plans tailored to your specific condition, ensuring optimal outcomes based on the severity and location of the infection.
  • Safe and Advanced Procedures: Our fungus treatment procedures are safe, utilizing advanced techniques and technologies to provide effective results while prioritizing your well-being and comfort.
  • Restored Skin Health: By targeting and eliminating fungal infections, our treatment helps restore your skin’s health and vitality, relieving discomfort and improving the appearance of affected areas.


Nail Fungus

Address unsightly and stubborn nail fungus with our targeted treatments, restoring the health and appearance of your nails.

Skin Fungal Infections

Combat fungal infections on the skin, such as athlete's foot or ringworm, effectively eliminating the infection and promoting healing.

Is Fungus Treatment Right for You?

Are you struggling with fungal infections that are affecting the health and appearance of your skin? Our Fungus Treatment offers an effective solution to combat fungal infections and restore the health of your skin. Here’s an overview of our specialized fungus treatment service and why it’s the preferred choice for many:

  • Targeted Fungal Eradication: Using the innovative Freezepen technology, our skilled professionals employ specialized techniques to effectively target and eradicate fungal infections. This precise approach targets the root cause of the infection, ensuring long-lasting results and improved skin health.
  • Comprehensive Approach: We understand that fungal infections can affect different areas of the body, including the nails, feet, and skin. Our comprehensive fungus treatment addresses various types of fungal infections, providing a tailored solution that suits your specific needs.
  • Customized Treatment Plans: Each individual’s fungal infection is unique, requiring a personalized approach. Our experienced professionals create customized treatment plans tailored to your specific condition, taking into account the severity and location of the infection. This ensures optimal outcomes and a targeted approach to addressing the fungal infection.
  • Safe and Advanced Procedures: Our fungus treatment procedures utilize the advanced technology of the Freezepen, which is a safe and effective method for eliminating fungal infections. This innovative tool delivers precise and controlled freezing temperatures to target and destroy the fungal cells while minimizing any discomfort or damage to the surrounding healthy skin.
  • Restored Skin Health: By effectively targeting and eliminating fungal infections, our fungus treatment helps restore the health and vitality of your skin. This not only relieves discomfort but also improves the appearance of the affected areas, promoting healthier and clearer skin.


Freezepen for Fungus Treatment

Small Area – $25

Medium Area – $50

Large Area – $75



  1. Keep the affected area clean and dry: Clean the area with mild soap and water, and pat it dry thoroughly to prevent moisture buildup, which can promote fungal growth.
  2. Wear clean and breathable footwear: Opt for shoes made of breathable materials and change your socks daily to maintain proper foot hygiene.
  3. Use antifungal creams or ointments: Apply antifungal medication as prescribed or recommended by your healthcare provider to help eliminate the fungus and prevent recurrence.
  4. Avoid sharing personal items: To prevent spreading the infection or reinfection, avoid sharing items such as towels, socks, shoes, and nail clippers.
  5. Keep nails trimmed and clean: Trim your nails regularly and keep them clean to reduce the risk of fungal growth and reinfection.
  6. Wear moisture-wicking socks: Choose socks made of moisture-wicking materials to keep your feet dry and prevent excess moisture that can contribute to fungal growth.
  7. Follow a healthy lifestyle: Maintain good overall health by practicing good hygiene, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress, as a healthy immune system can help prevent fungal infections.
  8. Follow the full course of treatment: Complete the prescribed treatment even if symptoms improve to ensure that the fungus is fully eliminated and prevent recurrence.


How long does it take to see results from fungal treatment?

It may take several weeks or even months to fully resolve the infection. However, the time it takes to see results can vary depending on the severity of the infection and the type of treatment used.

Are there any side effects of fungal treatment?

Some antifungal medications may cause mild side effects such as skin irritation, redness, or itching. If you experience any severe or persistent side effects, consult your healthcare provider.

Can I continue my regular activities during fungal treatment?

In most cases, you can continue your regular activities while undergoing fungal treatment. However, it’s advisable to avoid activities that may increase sweating or expose the affected area to excess moisture.

Can fungal infections recur after treatment?

Fungal infections have the potential to recur, especially if the underlying causes are not addressed. It’s important to follow proper preventive measures, such as maintaining good foot hygiene and avoiding environments that promote fungal growth.